We do not prefer any load shedding but power cut are only for repairing and maintenance to correct the fault and damages; smart meter system to be changed by 2023:said CED EE Joram Lali.

Manoj Singh

ITANAGAR, JULY 8 : We do not prefer any load shedding in the capital complex being the state capital but shut down or power cut are done only for repairing and maintenance or to correct the fault and damaged due to snapping of power lines and system fault. Informed. Capital electrical division Executive Engineer Joram Lali.

Lali inform the media that generally there are no loads heeding in the capital complex as we received sufficient power supply form several feathers. There are some interruption  or power cut generally due to damaged to the infrastructure and affect due to heavy rain,, landslide, flood and snapping of power line and system fault. These days we are facing monsoon with unprecedented rain and heat. Due to sudden heat rise of temperature the demand has been surge due to use of cooling equipment and other requirement and even normal equipments and affected the system as well as peak load and transformer has been witness with overload and we have been trying to restored it properly and we are monitoring all the areas where excessive overloading and we are minimizing by locally. He said.

We will always try our best effort to normalize the required load of the capital specially the Itanagar as the normal requirement of connected load around 17 MW and these days the peak demand are in summers. Earlier there was huge demand and less availability but we has sufficient power supply so we do not prefer any load shedding these days and it is unexpected and in some cases we manage it EE Lali Said.

Our system is connect with 11 KV and the transmission line went through forest and in some places there are some encroachment and pass through nearby some building and residential complex and human interference are also there which affect during the correction of the fault prone lines and system.  Due to population expansion and haphazard construction the load couldn’t be defined timely and illegal hooking which add another problem in the power distribution and smooth power supply to particular feather colony/sector. He said.  

He inform that earlier there was no proper information by the individuals and consumers while connecting with the power supply line due to haphazard expansion of colony and population expansion but these days due to Town planning department requirement of NOC by power department for land allotment is good, I hope that the building which having more than load of 50 KVA/ 100 KVA need to inform the town planning and power department and power department can make the system strengthened and everyone have to initiate for a planned way in systematic power supply line and wiring of individual buildings in proper way which may help to prevent or reduce accidents and we can make the city a beautiful city to live. This system will also help the department in planning for further and system improvement. Said Lali.

He raise to illegal hooking and termed it as illegal and irresponsive consumers which is not at all supportive by anyone and on several occasion disconnection drive had been done and several personas been taken to task as er law. He said.

Almost everything has been turned into digitally and all the billing system has been digitally done and every consumer can avail the befit of the digital implementation and soon whatsaap group will also be introduced. With the emergence of technology, the department is also become smart and soon the department with the guidelines of government of India we are going to introduce smart meter in the capital complex.  Under revamp distribution sector scheme ( RDSS) and testing has also been done and by 2023 all the present prepaid and post paid meter system would be changed s per information there area around 16000 per paid consumers and 8000 post paid consumers in Itanagar city. He said.

He appeal all the consumers to become responsible and shoulder responsibility by not wasting the power and conserve the power to help other and also save revenue. EE Power Lali added. 

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