ITANAGAR, MAY 27: The Special Investigation team (SIT) of Arunachal Pradesh police (APP) has already reached the Ludhiana city of Punjab and has arrested the YouTuber, Paras Singh and is back by late night today. Informed SIT SP Rohit Rajbhar Singh here at PHQ today.
SIT SP said that as of today more than 10 complaint and several FIR were received against Paras official YouTuber and since then thousand of people across the state, region and country has been demanding his arrest and legal action against that said person who has utters anti national words in shameless manner and spoke racist comments which has hurt the sentiment of people of state, region and country as a whole.
We have registered the formal FIR received from Pasighat MLA Ninong Ering at crime branch police station FIR No. 005/2021 U/S 124-A/153-A/505(2) IPC and obtained a non bailable warrant against him and arrested the accused and was produce before the magistrate at Chief Judicial Magistrate Court at Ludhiana and after approval of three days transit remand the team is coming back with Paras to Arunachal Pradesh by late night from Guwahati. The SP SIT Rajbhar said.
The FIR which was received from Ninong Ering-, MLA, 37 Pasighat West Assembly Constituency Arunachal Pradesh S/o Late Daying Ering, Mirku Dapi, Pasighat Arunachal Pradesh to the effect that recently he wrote a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the PUBG re-launch and posted the same on Twitter also. He had also written against this earlier and on many such issues of national importance, especially related to China. He is receiving constant trolling on his Twitter and Facebook and getting threats also. He saw a video where a YouTuber named Paras from Punjab through his YouTube Channel Paras Official made racist comments and even called us Chinese. It has hurt the sentiments of the entire North East and especially Arunachal Pradesh. The FIR said, SP said.
The team led by Inspector Techi Vijay will be back by late night and on Friday will interrogate Paras and on Saturday he will be produced before the CJM Court at Yupia for further action. SP added.