Tamen: The Tamen Electrical Section is scaling its revenue collection drive this month jointly with the revenue staff and line men to boost revenue collections and offset revenue losses.
Since the beginning of the calendar year 2022, the site Er. Bar Taya, a brave or foolhardy attitude, has been holding a series of meetings with the public of interior villages including GBs and HGBs field officials as well.
Improving lack of efficiency in revenue collection is crucial for revenue buoyancy given that the new wave of the outbreak of a pandemic disease could dampen consumption. Also,it can help bridge a part of the revenue gap due to the power sector of the Tamen section.
As informed by site Er. Bar Taya that he and his staff has been tightening the rules to improve compliance and to prevent illegal connection of power credit related irregularities.
The Power department of Kamle District notified the public earlier this month and asked all field officers to carry out a revenue drive within their own jurisdiction.