Chief Minister Pema Khandu officially opened the new Arunachal Bhavan in Roopnagar, Guwahati, dedicating it to public service. Attended by dignitaries including State Legislative Assembly Speaker P D Sona and Advisor to PWD Minister Phurpa Tsering, the ceremony celebrated the completion of the G plus 6 storied building, spanning 41441 Sqft, at a cost of Rs 3673.71 lakhs.
Expressing satisfaction with the swift execution, Khandu commended the efforts of the executing agency PWD, contractor M/S Ganpati Constructions, and officials for completing the project in just two years despite pandemic disruptions.
The Bhavan, strategically located near Guwahati Medical College and Hospital, aims to benefit patients from Arunachal Pradesh seeking medical treatment in Guwahati. Khandu also announced the imminent inauguration of a new Arunachal Bhavan in New Delhi.
The facility, equipped with a multilevel car parking, offices, and accommodation, will enhance the state government’s presence in the vital North East hub. Khandu urged officials to elevate their work culture and liaise effectively with central government agencies in the region.
The building’s layout includes office space for the Additional Resident Commissioner, 33 rooms with single and king-size beds, waiting lounge, presidential and VIP suites, and a well-equipped conference hall on the sixth floor.
The inaugural event witnessed the presence of key officials, including Secretary General Administration Sadhana Deori, Joint Secretary GA Ikar Dirchi, and representatives of the constructing firm M/S Ganpati Constructions. The Chief Minister assured the government’s commitment to providing quality accommodation and a conducive working environment for officials and visitors outside the state.