ITANAGAR, AUG 28: The Chief Minister Pema Khandu while intervening into the issue related to construction of road under PMGSU scheme though NANO technology said that the matter will be taken up and the department has been asked to put forward all report after proper inspection for further discussion within one month.
Khandu said that it has been reported from various sectors that few percentage of roads under PMGSY project which were taken up through NANO technology are not upto the mark. The success rate is not upto the mark may be due to new technology or otherwise. He said.
The RWD department has been asked to visit all those roads and examine them and prepare a report within a month and submit so that it would be taken up for discussion so that repair and maintenance issues can be discussed. CM added.
Replying to the question, RWD Minister Honchun Ngangdam said that the NANO technology is new to the state and it was applied in some parts of the state as a pilot project. The project was taken up in Tirap and Changlang district in other parts of state including one in Mechuka. It was not a conventional method due to unavailability of materials, cost of labour, availability of manpower, guidance of technical experts and other issues. Reports of damages have been reported from several places. He said.
The issue was raised by MLA Wanglam Sawin, MLA GD Wangsu raised as supplementary to the question raised in the matter for repairing and maintenance of roads taken up through NANO technology under PMGSY project in state.