ITANAGAR, The West Kameng district police has updated in the Bhalukpong murder case on Friday that all the evidences collected and exhibits are being forwarded to the FSLs for further investigation while the person arrested has been sent to judicial custody.
The West Kameng SP Bharat Reddy informed that the case is under investigation and all evidence and facts will be presented in the court. It is to clarify that the motive and involvement is yet to be proven in the court during trial.
It is to mention that on October 18 information of a dead body of a lady, aged 25-30 years was lying in the bushes nearby football ground outside CRPF camp in Bhalukpong township of West Kameng district . The body was lying with handbag strap around her neck and FIR 13/2021, u/s 302/201 was registered and investigation taken up by Bhalukpong police. One CRPF Constable has been arrested on 24th and investigation has been taken up by inspector D Bagra.
Later peace protest was jointly organised by Jagrit Self Help Group Bhalukpong, Gorkha Youth Welfare Association and Bhalukpong Youth Association and the representatives from Aka Community demanding justice for a lady found dead near Bhalukpong football ground on 18th Oct. 21.