ITANAGAR, Nov 02: In the wake of the massive fire incident that broke out at daily market Naharlagun recently, the Arunachal Law Students Union (ALSU) on Wednesday has appeal the state government to grant a special relief fund and conduct high level enquiry into the incident.
Addressing the newspersons here at Arunachal press club, general secretary ALSU, Ngurang Nana Dopum said, apart from rupees three thousand eighty, the state government needs to release extra relief funds to assist the fire victim families.
It is crystal clear that there was a lack of coordination among the respective officers, said Dopum. Thus, resulted in the destruction of the daily market, he added.
Vice President Teli Nega inform that the team of ALSU on Tuesday has meet the Home Minister Bamang Felix and apprise him of the incident and submitted a memorandum with genuine grievances for release of compensation and ex-gratia amount to the fire victims.
Nega said that the fire accident of October 25th at Naharlagun township is a devastation one wherein hundreds of shopkeepers and family has lost everything’s and some of them were ruined of all belongings. The whole incident need to investigated by high ranking officer of IAS and IPS level, the personnel’s of Naharlagun fire station needs to be suspended and departmental proceeding need to be conducted. The present enquiry being conducted report need to be provided to the union. Proper assessment need to completed immediately and forwarded to the state government who should release proper and fair compensation to the genuine fire victims. Nega said.
We are not against anyone but due to several allegation and the way fire and emergency department has handled the incident seems that there was lots of loophole and tackled casualty inspite of warning and alert issued by the fire and emergency department issued a day before. So a proper investigation to the whole episode is urgently needed. Said Nega.
The union’s demand also included for immediate transfer of SP fire & emergency services, suspension of all the fire personnel for dereliction of duty (who were on the duty during incident), to constitute a high level enquiry committee for free and fair investigation into the incident and to provide one water refilling hydrant key to Fire Station Naharlagun.