Arunachal Pradesh’s Changlang district is facing heightened tension after reports of a firing incident emerged on Friday. The incident unfolded in the Kharsang area, where the security forces are alleged to have opened fire on a youth engaged in fishing.
The victim, identified as Lameng Lungri, reportedly sustained bullet injuries to his leg.
Preliminary investigations are underway to determine the circumstances surrounding the Arm forces actions. The firing incident has triggered widespread concern and anger among the local population.
In a swift response, enraged residents gathered at the Kharsang Police Station, demanding accountability and justice for Lameng Lungri.
The injured youth is receiving medical attention, and updates on his condition are awaited.
Local leaders are urging for calm and cooperation, emphasizing the importance of a thorough and impartial inquiry into the incident.
While connecting to Changlang SP, Kirli Padu, he said the investigation is going on. While official reports are not submitted by the investigation officer.
As the story continues to unfold, residents and concerned parties await further updates on the investigation and the measures taken to restore peace in Changlang district.