ITANAGAR, Sep 21: Minister for Education, Cultural affairs and Department of indigenous affairs Taba Tedir advice the secretary and department of cultural affairs and directors of Research to do publicity to all the historical places, places of importance of historical sites and Museums of state and make them popular and tourism destination of State while inaugurating the Gallery at Archaeological Museum, Western Gate Itafort here today at Jawaharlal Nehru State Museum Conference Hall.
There are lots of historical places in the State and the state capital but we lack proper exploration and publicity about the historic place Itafort, so tourists did not know and due to which there are less visitors. Not only tourists, even many people ‘s of state are yet to know about all the three gates of Itafort in the state capital, he added.
Itafort is situated in the heart of the Capital City, Itanagar and can become one of the best tourist destinations, if we maintain properly and do publicity and we can also generate good revenue.
Informing about Archaeological Museum, Gallery Tedir said that the gallery will be very much helpful to the our upcoming generation, because as we all knows that our tribal peoples have only oral history, there is no written records but form this gallery our next generation can able to see and learn the history, culture and traditions of all the tribes of Arunachal Pradesh.
Today He also released a Bulletin of Museums of Arunachal Pradesh and also Audio Visual documentary on Ethnic Vibrancies of the North East also released a book written on traditional and cultural of Mismi tribes.
Minister Tedir also appreciated all the officers of the department of cultural affairs directors of Research for their affords to Documentation of tradition and cultural of all the tribes of Arunachal Pradesh
Earlier, Minister Tedir visited all the Southern and Eastern of Itafort gates.