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Swachhata hi Seva launched at Nyorch, officers of PHED, PRI leaders, locals and students take part in cleanliness drive.

BORUM, SEPT 22 : Hundreds of local people alongwith GBs, PRI leaders, students with support of PHED Naharlagun Division on Friday morning take part in mass cleanliness drive in Nyorch village under Bourn Zila Parishad segment of Naharlagun township

Hudnerds of local public of Nyorch village, Borum area, PRI leaders, GBS, officers and officials of Naharlagun PHED Division taek part in cleanliness drive which began early % AM and clean several part fo the village including the national highway, roadside drainage system and other public area including market, river side and school playground and school campus. 

Borum ZPM Tok Tama inform that the cleanliness drive should not be for a day or two but we should try to adopt it as a part of our daily life so that if we maintain our nearby clean and hygiene we would feel happy and disease free and shall continue to remain with a healthy body and sound mind. Tok Tama said.

It should be our endeavor that we as a leader create awareness among the locality and everywhere we go so that our youths are motivated and inspired so that they too carry forward our legacy and we remain in a healthy environment. Added ZPM Tama.

Naharlagun PHED Executive Engineer Teli Dutto who lead the cleanliness drive on Friday inform that ‘  the annual Swachhata hi Seva’ is being organised every year from September 15 to October 2nd and is being held throughout the jurisdiction of all officers which motivate other to maintain cleanliness. This year the theme of the celebration is ‘ garbage free India’ with focus on visible cleanliness and welfare of safai mitras to maintain the spirit of cleanliness activities among the masses. He said.

The drive has been targeted to the high footfall public places like of riverside, market areas, public gathering area, schools, tourist area and others in rural and urban areas. Today we have launched the programmed and it will continue across the division in rural and urban areas till October 2nd. He said.

He thanks each and everyone those who participated on the first day of the cleanliness drive and appeal all locals to take up the habits so that we remain garbage free and also proper disposal of garbage’s. Er Teli added.  

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