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SIFF reiterated to oppose construction of 10.000 HPD on Siang river

ITANAGAR, Apr 27 : The Siang Indigenous Farmer’s Forum (SIFF) has reiterated to opposed the construction of a 10,000-Mega Watt Dam over the Siang River in Siang basin in state. The appeal the state government and central government to understand the sentiment of the local indigenous, farmers and locals residing in upstream and downstream of Siang river. 

The forum proclaimed by next week Arunachal Pradesh is likely to sign multiple sets of 13-Gigawatt new hydropower projects at an investment of more than 1.5 trillion.

Addressing the newsperson here at Arunachal press club (APC), SIFF Representative Bhanu Tatak informed that, Power minister RK Singh is likely to visit Itanagar to initiate signing of 13 Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) for 13 GW hydropower projects including the  10,000 Megawatt HPD over Siang River is also encompassed.

Reacting to the surfacing of news, she said against the 10,000 – Megawatt Siang River project, in the year Public Interest Litigation (PIL) was filed at Guwahati High Court Permanent Bench Naharlagun, the same were disposed of in the favor of petitioner citing several resons. 

The court in 2022 took its decision as the advocate general of the state submitted a report to the court that 50 numbers of hydro – project in Siang basin had been abandoned by the state government for the larger interest of settlers of the Siang basin, she added.

Informing the court has also directed the state government to take the consultation of the affected people for any kind of dam in the future, SIFF said Siang River is the life line of the people living in the Siang valley with biodiversity hotspot and historical importance, therefore people of Siang would not allow any mega hydro electric project and such power developer to wipe out rich cultural of the Siang belt.   

Stating, according to the ‘World Commission on Dam’ once the scrapped hydro-project is not renewable, SIFF alleged project has been allotted to the National Hydro Power Corporation (NHPC) and in convenience of district administration, they are carrying out a forceful survey even during night despite stiff opposition from the dam affected people and locals.

Cautioning that forceful implementation of project might invite law & order in the future, SIFF further said the commission of project against the will of the affected people is a violation of Schedule Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006, wherein the tribal people are given rights to use of forest, forest products and other resources.

We the locals have lots of apprehension for its impact and the the central and state government should know the impact and loss of life and property in case of accident and flash flood and devastation. So it is requested that the government instead of going for mega dam should explore of solar and wind energy. The SIFF added. 

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