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Seed Distribution by ICAR-KVK Longding at Hasse Russa under OFT on Rice

Kanubari, June 14: The ICAR-KVK Longding organized a Seed Distribution Programme under On-Farm Trials (OFT) on Rice for the year 2024 at Hasse Russa village. The event, held on 14th June, saw the participation of 23 farmers and was led by Chief Technical Officer A. Kirankumar Singh, along with Dr. Srishailam Bathini, SMS (Agril. Extn.), Deep Narayan Mishra, SMS (Plant Protection) designate, and Jakham Josaham.

During the programme, Singh introduced the newly joined Subject Matter Specialists of ICAR-KVK Longding to the farmers. He elaborated on the specialities, characteristics, and production parameters of three different rice varieties: RCM-13, RCM-15, and RCM-16, developed by the ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Manipur Centre, Lamphelpat, Manipur. These medium-duration rice varieties are particularly suitable for the Longding district and Arunachal Pradesh in general.

The participating farmers were distributed these rice varieties and were advised to adhere to the formalities of the OFT on Rice as outlined by Singh. He emphasized the importance of following technical guidelines for successful crop management and production, assuring the farmers that these varieties would yield higher production and productivity if guidelines were strictly followed throughout the cropping period.

Singh also encouraged the farmers to develop a habit of conserving grains from any crop for seed purposes for the next season, noting that the KVK might not be able to provide seeds for all the farmers in the district. The OFT on Rice programme is designed with four varieties, including the popular variety Ranjit as a check against the newly introduced three varieties.

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