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NDMA Cordinator Sudhir Bahel oversee the preparedness of the disaster management due to earthquake in state

Manoj Singh

ITANAGAR, NOV 23 ; The National disaster management authority (NDMA) Cordinator Maj General (Ret) Sudhir Bahle on Thursday has inspected the preparedness for disaster in case due to massive earthquake in state.

The NDMA officials visited several parts of city during the statewide mock drill alongwith Disaster management Secretary Dani Salu, Director disaster management Komkar Dulom, Capital Deputy Commissioner Talo Potom,  host of officers from police, civil, security forces, various line department take part in the state wide mock drill on earthquake. All the district also take part in the exercise and all the stake holders were engaged in the same so that maximum awareness reached to maximum people of state and save ourselves in case of disaster. 

Briefing the media person, the NDMA Coordinator Bahel informed that that whole day I have a detail discussion with almost all the district authority and official of district disaster management authority (DDMA) and state disaster management authority (SDMA) on the preparedness incase of any disaster due to earthquake and its affect and mitigation. I have shared all the knowledge which I have and all the new intervention of technology, guidelines of the NDMA so that the state government also avail the facility and others benefits. He said. 

“I have visited several parts of Itanagar city and find that there is always a scope for improvement and in connection with the disaster management and preparedness.  We cannot stop the disaster but we can fight the disaster and also we should have the precautionary measures always so that the loss caused due to landslide is reduced”. 

“We need to be aware and there are several dos and don’ts which we need to follow so that in case of disaster the loss caused due to such disaster like of Landslide is not so high and loss of life are also very less”. He said.

We should always try prepare ourselves with a proper mindset. I have visited last year and find that more progress has been witness but still much more to do and in respect to disaster management it is always there to improve and we have to keep continue on improving. He said.

The central government can help and show the way and always keep trying on issuing of advice, guidelines and we will always try to see that the respective state government continue on improving themselves in respect of manpower, human resources and always keep on ready with taking support of NGOs, SHGs, NCC, Scouts & Guides, NSS, para military, community volunteers. Arunachal Pradesh has the presence of central forces and  the service of the central forces can also be taken into accounts so that the benefits goes to general masses during the time of disaster. He said.

All the stake holders and line department should have a planning in case there is a disaster, the hospital need to prepare themselves to have a proper planning in case there is disaster and huge flow of affected people rushed to the hospital and managing would not be a big issue if the flow of people are increased to many fold. The hospital authority can handle the patients then. The normal works will continue but we should have always have separate planning that how we can help the needy people and affected people due to landslide and disaster. He said.

We should have awareness ourselves on disaster, mitigation and preparedness and we should always try to help others who are in dire need of help.  The important aspect of success improvising the support during the disaster, providing of logistic, arrangement of ambulances, providing of medical aid treatment, proving of relief and movement of victims to relief camps and providing food, clothes and help at relief camps are major parts which has to be taken into account and prepare ourselves. He said.

There is a threat from the glacierted lake outburst flood in our state and we are taking more information and proper plan to deal with it. We are trying to preparing hard and list for the same. The state geographical location are uneven so presence of helicopter and aircraft should be there which may be pressed into serves during the emergency and disaster. He said.

Even in case of lack of manpower, he said that the charity begins at home so we can take the help apada mitra, community volunteers, enhance the capacity of the SDRF and forces present in state. The state should prepare themselves but in case the manpower is required the National disaster management authority has already provided common editing protocol, NDMA has provided consultant funding and a window is there for providing funds to states. He said.

NDMA is always ready to help the state who are in need of support of centre and even in case any proposal is send the NDMA will always take care. He added.

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