The Arunachal Pradesh Rural Bank Rural Self-Employment Training Institute (APRB-RSETI), located in Papum Pare, Yupia, organized a 10-day off-campus training program on Mushroom Cultivation. The program, which took place from March 16 to March 25, 2024, was held at Veo Village, Pakke Kessang District.
A total of 48 rural unemployed youths, including 39 Women Self-Help Group (WSHG) members and 9 male members from Veo, Sede, Patiwa, and Pakro villages, enthusiastically participated in the training. The initiative, supported by the Arunachal State Rural Livelihoods Mission (ArSRLM) and other local stakeholders, aimed to equip participants with valuable skills in mushroom cultivation.
The training program received overwhelming support from officials of ArSRLM, Pakke Kessang, and the President of Ane Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd, Doimukh. The active collaboration ensured the success of the initiative, providing participants with practical knowledge and resources to embark on mushroom cultivation ventures.
The culminating event, a Valedictory Function held on March 26, 2024, marked the distribution of certificates to all trainees who successfully completed the assessment process. The event was graced by esteemed guests, including Haduri Natung (HGB) of Veo Village, Techi Totu (BMM) of ArSRLM, Pakke Kessang, and Balaban Deory, Director of APRB-RSETI, Yupia.