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Locals of Donyi-Sho and Sangrik-Hapa colony appeal the capital admin, IMC, local MLA and state govt to hear the pain due to pathetic road condition and collapse bridge portion

Manoj Singh

CHIMPU, JUNE 27 : The local resident of Donyi-Sho and Sangrik-Hapa colony appeal the capital administration, Itanagar Municipal Corporation, local MLA and state government to listen to the pain and grievances due to pathetic road condition and collapse bridge portion.

The local allege that no one from the administration, department and other has paid visit to listen to our pain and agony being faced due to pathetic condition of the colony road for past few years and the wing wall of the bridge over river Dokioso has been completely damaged and is in bad shape and need immediate renovation, repairing and maintenance and without reconstruction the bridge may also collapse in due course of time if the monsoons heavy rainfall continue to be in spate. The chairman of the colony said.

Sangrik Hapa forest corporation colony welfare committee (SHFCCWC) President Tagru Taru said that the said bridge was constructed by the locals on self help basis and donation and contribution drive and no engineering were utilized and may the reason it was collapse and wing wall of both side has collapsed in due course of time twice. He observed. Earlier some eight ten years the population of the area were not much but at present it is nearing 500 in Donyi-Sho with around 85 houses and 800 in Sangrik-Hapa colony and almost everyone are facing lots of problem due to bad road and the collapse portion of the bridge.

Childrens and older people are facing lots of problem and a small portion of the soil is still remaining and is being utilized for all purpose only by foot. The housewife are facing lot due to carrying of all household materials including ration items, gas cylinder and school children to reach school bus at around 1.5 KM away. The committee president said.

The matter is known to local MLA Techi Kaso and our IMC Corporater has also paid visit and inspected the area but we need road and bridge repaired as we are continuously facing lots of problems all the time and due to which our all the works and routine works are also badly affected every day and night. Tagru said.

Due to pathetic road condition and the damaged wing wall of the bridge the portion is vulnerable and several accidents  has taken place and we fear someone may lose life near the bridge point. He claim. 

Social workers, Gungli Tayang said that the CC pavement work has been done upto the directorate of Indigenous affairs from the four lane road near APBn chimpu main gate and from there it is hardly 2 KM and if the remaining portion of the road is converted into CC pavement few problems of the locals, patients, school going childrens and older people may be resolved and vehicle like fire brigade, ambulance, gas cylinder vehicle and other may able to come to our colony in case of need. 

A senior member and advisor of the committee Bagang Tah said that we are not making any allegation against anyone but we are suffering from several problem only due to bad road and damaged bridge twice and now it is beyond our pocket to repaid an re-construct so the administration and government may kindly pay attention as all our activities has been badly hampered and it seem that we are not staying in capital complex but like a remote village if such problems continue. 

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