ITANAGAR, More than one hundred family members and others of Lower Niti Vihar area of the city have been facing drinking water supply for the last five days due to breakdown of a pipeline by the agency constructing the CC Pavement in the area which was not properly known to anyone. The locals allege.
The locals allege that neither the agency nor the locals has noticed the breakdown of the PHED pipelines during the laying of CC pavement and due to which there has been no water supply for hundreds of residents. The problem was informed properly after the damage of the pipeline. Due to year ending and new year celebration it was not repaired nor the water supply was restored as such the locals continue to suffer the drinking water supply. Few of them have arranged themselves with the help of tankers and Tatamobile and private vehicles. The locals said.
Meanwhile, former IMC counselor Donik Tayu and IMC Ward Member Godak Tama have informed that the locals have been requesting for immediate drinking water supply and today we are taking care of it and hope that it is repaired, renovated and restored by Monday. he added.