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Coordination meeting held appeal all stake holders to resolve the issue of market opening and closing on Wednesday and Sunday

ITANAGAR, JUNE 22 : A coordination meeting held under the chairmanship of IMC Ward No-10 Corporater Yukar Yaro near police station campus at C Sector and discussed various issue which include donation, monthly fees in the name of cleanliness, IMC civic charges, renewal of trading licenses, opening of shops on Sunday and closing on Wednesday etc.

Shopkeepers form C Sector, C-I, C-II, Gandhi Market, Bank Tinali and Upper C Sector area and all the IMC Ward Members and Sector welfare committee and youth association attended the meeting and almost all shared their views and suggestion and advice several suggestion with regards to payment of monthly charges to IMC and IMWA simultaneously and sought clarification for the competent authority. Recently erupted law and order problems in a restaurant at Ganga Market was also discussed and discussed security of shopkeepers form several unwanted elements. Cleanliness which is one of the biggest issue of capital complex was also discussed and everyone were ask to clean their premises which is mandatory and disposed to the IMC Vehicle regularly. Water supply at Gandhi market were also shared by few members, increasing drug cases was also shared by few ward members. 

Speaking to media, IMC Corporater Yukar Yaro inform that time is changing and recent law and order problem in market are has created confusion among the business community and the confusion has to be cleared. The business community and marginal shopkeepers are being harassed on several occasion of their no fault. She said.

No one wants that their shops remain closed but due to personal problem of individual shopkeeper it is upto them to close or open their shutter may be health and other personal issue and no one should impose any order on humanitarian ground. Any order for opening or closing of whole market is not a simple matter and it should be a conscientious matter and need to be discussed in a bigger platform as has been discussed by previous IMWA committee time. She said. 

If there is a confusion and the matter is not resolved it is better the matter need to be resolved with intervention of IMC, Capital administration, Capital Police and IMWA executive members so that there is no any confusion remain among the shopkeepers, business community and general public. She added.

She further appeal the shopkeeper not to remain in fear and contact capital police, IMC ward members, IMC volunteers and even to her in case any immediate help and support is required in any point of time for any issue. 

Itanagar Police station OC, Inspector Phasang Simi inform that the recent law and order problem which was held in a restaurant at Ganga wherein 8 person were held and law have taken its own course of action. No one is above the law and capital police are enforcing it. He said.

We have discuses all issue including how to cooperate police and maintain law and order, if denizens do not cooperate police it is difficult to resolved the case and urged upon the capital dwellers not to hesitate in sharing the exact information or even secretary so that any law and order problem creator are taken to task and booked under various sector of law and punished. OC added.

The OC further ask the IMC Ward members to start with the Volunteers appointed jointly by IMC Corporater and Itanagar Police station to stop increasing drug abuse cases in night hours in and around IG Park and market area etc.  

A resolution was also adopted on the occasion. 

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