Arunachal Pradesh Stenographers Service Association Felicitates Newly Recruited Personal Assistants

Itanagar, June 15: The Arunachal Pradesh Stenographers Service Association, General Cadre (APSSAGC), held a felicitation ceremony at City Hotel, Itanagar, to honor the newly recruited 48 Personal Assistants who joined the Government of Arunachal Pradesh through the Arunachal Pradesh Staff Selection Board (APSSB). These Personal Assistants will serve under the Department of General Administration, Civil Secretariat.

The event was graced by esteemed members of the association, including the President and executive members, who extended heartfelt congratulations to the new recruits. The President of APSSAGC warmly welcomed the newly recruited Personal Assistants, acknowledging their significant achievement in joining this prestigious cadre. In his address, he highlighted the critical role of Personal Assistants in ensuring the smooth functioning of governmental operations and underscored the importance of their responsibilities.

“We are delighted to welcome you to our esteemed service,” said the President. “Your role as Personal Assistants is pivotal in maintaining the efficiency and effectiveness of our government offices. As you embark on this journey, remember that your dedication, integrity, and commitment to excellence will be the cornerstone of your professional success.”

During the ceremony, executive members of APSSAGC shared valuable insights and practical advice, emphasizing the importance of confidentiality, precision, and professionalism in their duties. They encouraged the new recruits to continually strive for excellence, stay updated with technological advancements, and maintain a proactive approach to problem-solving.

The event concluded with an interactive session where the new Personal Assistants had the opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussions with experienced members of APSSAGC. This session provided a platform for knowledge sharing and mentorship, fostering a sense of community and support within the association.

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