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All preparation completed for Counting for assembly election will be held on June 2nd from 6 AM while for parliamentary election with on June 4 from 8 AM

Manoj Singh

ITANAGAR, MAY 31 : The Chief electoral officer (CEO) Pawan Kumar Sain on Friday has inform that all preparation for counting of votes in state has been done and a review meeting was held today under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary in presence of DGP and others at AP Civil Secretariat.

The CEO said that like the voting process was held smoothly the meeting was held for smooth counting process takes paces across the state for both Assembly constituency and parliamentary constituency. We want that the counting process passes off smoothly in state and we have reviews the preparation with all the stake holders including all the District election officers, SPs and others and direction has been given to ensure smooth completion of counting process in all respective counting centers. Direction has also been issued for elaborate security deployment so that no law and order issue takes place. He said.

The counting of votes for the assembly election will takes place on June 2nd from 6 AM and for parliamentary constituency the counting will takes place on June 4 at 8 AM respectively. The counting will takes place at 24 counting centers for 50 assembly constituency in all the district headquarter except the Anjaw district. the counting for both Arunachal East and West parliamentary constituency will be held in all 25 counting centers of all 25 district of state on June 4th. Said Sain.

We also discussed various issue including counting and post counting related issue. The DGP issue direction for full proof three tier security coverage of the counting centers in all the districts. Chief Secretary and DGP has also directed to ensure proper security and to check any untoward incident and law and order problems across the state. Said CEO.

Counting for one or more assembly constituency will go simultaneously in compare to earlier that counting for assembly constituency was carried one by one. By this system we may be able to know the result sooner than before. Hope that we can be able to get the result. He said.

With regards to strong room security, the CEO inform that elaborate security coverage is available in all strong room of state as per the guidelines of election commission of India. I have also visited several strong rooms and find that the lock book is also maintained and the officers and magistrates also visit from time to time to ensure proper security of the counting centers. No complain has been received from any district with regards to any strong room. He said.

During my visit and officer of NIrvachan Bhawan visit to several strong room and counting centers and It has also been observed that the representative of political party and candidates do visit the strong room to ensure the safety and security of the strong rooms. So far no compliant has received to me which signify that there is no any issue. He said.

All the officers for the counting and additional officers and officials including  counting supervisor or the counting has already been done and completed for all the counting centers of state. counting observers has also been appointed by the ECI and most fo them are senior officers from various states are reaching to the respective centers in several district. as per appointment 27  Counting observers has been appointed and they will be supervision the counting of votes. The counting observers will attend both the assembly and parliamentary constituency vote counting. He said.

It is a request to all the political party and respective candidates to send authorize the counting agents so that no problem come up while entering the courting centers. No mobile phones will be allowed in the counting centers by the agents. He said.

Counting centers is connected with internet and from there we will received the information and accordingly we shall provide the information in media centers established nearby the counting centers and the same will be published in website and social media and others system. He added.

The CEO further appeal all the political party and candidates to extend support and cooperation to the election management authority and DEOs and maintain law and order for smooth completion of election process. The CEO further said.

Out of total 704680 electors in state 345363 are male and 359313 are female and 4 others, 584498 voters has cast their vote out of which 279115 (Male) and 305381 (female) with 82.95 % vote polled in state in assembly election. Though the election for assembly and parliamentary election was held simultaneously on April 19 in which 50 constituency goes to poll as 10 assembly constituency where the BJP candidates were declared elected unopposed. 

With regards to vote for two parliamentary constituency there are 517384 electors 380783 voters has cast their vote with 73.60% in Arunachal West Parliamentary constituency and out of 375310 electors 312658 voters voted with 83.31 %. And out of total 892694 electors in both West and East Parlimentary constituency 693441 voters has voted in state with 77.68%. 

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