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All 28 teachers whose names has been surfaced recently will be terminated followed by legal action- -Education Commissioner.

Manoj Singh

ITANAGAR, MAY 30 : All the 28 teachers whose names has been surfaced in social media and media recently with regards to the illegal appointment of Primary teachers in Longding district will be terminated followed by legal action. Said Education Commissioner Amjad Tak.

Speaking to media, the education commissioner inform that today we have a review meeting on various issue of education department with regards to elementary education, school education, higher and technical education and other important issue discussed thoroughly and necessary advice, direction and orders has been given to respective authority concern to take care and necessary action and follow up to be carried out. Whole day we have review of several issue right form primary education to higher education. Said Commissioner.

With regards to allege illegal appointment of teachers in Longding district whichw as surfaced and doing round in social media and media, the education department has taken up action swiftly. A high level committee was constituted High level committee constituted to enquire into the illegal appointment of Primary Teachers in Longding district was constituted on May 23rd after a discussion at the office of the minister education with a direction to submit the report within a week. He said..

 “ The issue of illegal teacher appointment of Longding district was also discussed and  It is a matter of great concern that such illegal appointment has surfaced in social media and media and accordingly a meeting was convened and discussed the matter and viewed seriously”. Said Commissioner Education,

The report has received within five days and department has viewed seriously and the serves of all allege 28 teacher who has been identified in Longding district will be terminated. He said.

With regards to illegal appointment in East Siang district, the services of those  

illegal appointment of MTS in the East Siang district and the report on the enquiry committee is submitted and those MTS were terminated. After the direction of High court and based of the direction of high court which was implemented and So notice has been issued and as per rule legal action will be followed. He said.

Whatever legal action is applicable as per law will be taken up. Added Commissioner. 

To cheek any such further illegality all the  Deputy Director of school education (DDSE) and director have been directed to submit the detailed report on appointment of teacher from 2018 before the APSSB Taken into the process till date. They are directed to seek detailed report from all DDSES  of the teachers posted in the districts about the appointment of teachers in various capacities for

further reconciliation and crosscheck from Education department. Final action

taken report is to be submitted which is expected on June 10. 

Earlier the education minister Taba Tedir has said that “ I have asked for total numbers of teachers working in the state in various capacity and the report from all 26 district DDSE concern districts wise and salary released against these verified teachers to be reconciled by the respective DDSE so that any kind of anomaly or illegal appointment in future should be avoided. The monthly salary release certificate of all the teachers working in their respective jurisdiction in the Format circulated by DEE and DSE should carry with the report” Said Education  Minister. 

The Longding district students union (LDSU) has submitted a written complain to Longding district deputy commissioner on May 22nd that 28 individuals has been directly appointed illegally as regular primary teachers (PRTs) in various schools within Longding district and has sought appropriate action against the defaulters at the earliest. The Arunachal Pradesh youth congress has also demanded immediate legal action to responsible person involved in the allege illegal primary teachers in Longding district.  

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