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AAPLU celebrated its 12th foundation day at Mechuka, APB&OCWWB Chairman motivated the workers community for more responsible

ITANAGAR, DEC 22 : The All Arunachal Pradesh Labour’s Union (AAPLU) celebrated its 12th Foundation Day celebration at Mechuka in Shi-Yomi District of Arunachal Pradesh on 21st December 2023 in befitting manner with day long programme. 

The Arunachal Pradesh Building & other Construction Workers Welfare Board (APB&OCWWB) Chairman Rolen Dagam who attended the function as chief guest has motivated the workers community to be more responsible toward the state and nation development.. whatever the beneficiaries under the labour board will be given away to all the registered workers and ask the Registering officer to get all the labour community registered in the board so that every workers of the district and state can avail the benefit of the board.

ADC Mechuka Kesang Goiba who attended the occasion as guest of honour emphasis the dignity of labour he assured all support to the workers community in the district.

AAPLU President Dana Tadu in his address brief about the 12 years journey of the board. All the benefits including the beneficiaries schemes for the labour community should be delivered as per rule and admissible. It has been observed that all the workers of unorganized sector is yet to get registered in the labour board so it is necessary that every workers and laborer first. Whatever the benefits for the labour community should reached to them as per admissible and I shall always work for the benefits for the labour community for their welfare. Said AAPLU President.  

It was a happy moment that the 12t foundation day was celebrated at Mechuka and its has motivated the workers community of Shi Yomi destruct and such programmed motivate the workers community in larger context. Added Dana Tadu, AAPLU President.

APB&OCWWB OSD to Chairman Jitu Rigia, AAPLU Chief advisor Tadam Haging Cherom also address the function.

Blankets, Rain coat & Mosquito net and other beneficiaries items were distributed the registered workers by the dignitaries.

Later a discussion porgramme was held which was participated by the leaders of AAPLU in which delegates of various district take part on various issue of the labour community of state and remedies need to be adopted for its redressal and solution.  

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